Function custom

  • Can be used to create simple custom propSchema. Multiple things can be done inside of a custom propSchema, like deserializing and serializing other (polymorphic) objects, skipping the serialization of something or checking the context of the obj being (de)serialized.

    The custom function takes two parameters, the serializer function and the deserializer function.

    The serializer function has the signature: (value, key, obj) => void

    When serializing the object {a: 1} the serializer function will be called with serializer(1, 'a', {a: 1}).

    The deserializer function has the following signature for synchronous processing (value, context, oldValue) => void

    For asynchronous processing the function expects the following signature (value, context, oldValue, callback) => void

    When deserializing the object {b: 2} the deserializer function will be called with deserializer(2, contextObj) (contextObj reference).


    const schemaDefault = createSimpleSchema({
    a: custom(
    v => v + 2,
    v => v - 2
    serialize(schemaDefault, { a: 4 }) // { "a": 6 }
    deserialize(schemaDefault, { "a": 6 }) // { a: 4 }

    const schemaWithAsyncProps = createSimpleSchema({
    a: custom(
    v => v + 2,
    (v, context, oldValue, callback) =>
    somePromise(v, context, oldValue)
    .then(result => callback(null, result - 2))
    .catch(err => callback(err))
    serialize(schemaWithAsyncProps, { a: 4 }) // { "a": 6 }
    deserialize(schemaWithAsyncProps, { "a": 6 }, (err, res) => {
    res // { a: 4 }


    • serializer: PropSerializer

      function that takes a model value and turns it into a json value

    • deserializer: ((jsonValue: any, context: default<any>, oldValue: any, callback: ((err: any, result: any) => void)) => void)

      function that takes a json value and turns it into a model value. It also takes context argument, which can allow you to deserialize based on the context of other parameters.

        • (jsonValue: any, context: default<any>, oldValue: any, callback: ((err: any, result: any) => void)): void
        • Parameters

          • jsonValue: any
          • context: default<any>
          • oldValue: any
          • callback: ((err: any, result: any) => void)
              • (err: any, result: any): void
              • Parameters

                • err: any
                • result: any

                Returns void

          Returns void

    • Optional additionalArgs: AdditionalPropArgs

      optional object that contains beforeDeserialize and/or afterDeserialize handlers

    Returns PropSchema

  • Parameters

    • serializer: PropSerializer
    • deserializer: ((jsonValue: any, context: default<any>, oldValue: any) => any)
        • (jsonValue: any, context: default<any>, oldValue: any): any
        • Parameters

          • jsonValue: any
          • context: default<any>
          • oldValue: any

          Returns any

    • Optional additionalArgs: AdditionalPropArgs

    Returns PropSchema

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